Wrapper Classes
Wrapper Classes
- byte,int,short,char,boolean,long,float,double.
- To wrap primitive into object form so that we can handle primitive just like objects.
- Student s=new Student(); s.getMarks(); s.getInfo();
- To define several utility methods for primitive. ex: 10 to string String s = Integer.toString(10);
AutoBoxing and Auto UnBoxing:
- Introduced in 1.5 version.
- In 1.4 version we cannot provide primitive value in place of wrapper object and in place of wrapper object we cannot provide wrapper object.
- ArrayList l=new ArrayList();
- l.add(10);
- Boolean b=new Boolean(true) if(b){ }
- This automatic conversion from primitive to Object is called as AutoBoxing and object to primitive is called AutoUnboxing.
int autoBoxing=123; System.out.println(Integer.valueOf(autoBoxing)); Integer autoUnBoxing = new Integer (23); System.out.println(autoUnBoxing.intValue ()); String num = "123"; int i = Integer.parseInt(num); System.out.println(i); Integer num1=123; String s1 = num1.toString (); System.out.println (s1);