
New Branch creation and PR

Branch name creation:

UserStory Number/userstory name

  • -------create a new branch-------

git checkout -b

  • -------check status of branch-------

git status

  • -------to pull changes from a branch-------

git pull origin dev

  • -------add the changes to stage----------

git add

  • -------commit the changes done-----------

git commit -m "commit message"

  • ---------push the changes----------------

git push origin

  • -------------------to remove a file from staged changes------

git checkout --

git stash:

If you want to back up your changes

git has an area called stash where you can temporarily store a snapshot of your changes without committing to the git repository.

Its separate from the working directory , the repository.

  • you made some changes but you don’t want to commit them and you want to switch to another branch-------


when the local branch is behind the master branch , the branch needs the new changes which are in master branch , then merge is used

Basically git merge creates a new commit with all the commits you made to the branch.


when the local branch is behind the master branch , the branch needs the new changes which are in master branch , then fetch is used

Basically git rebase does not create a new commit , all the commits will be shown in the new branch , so unnecessary history.



When we do git fetch all the changes from the repository will be downloaded into the remote directory/repository but not into local repository.

GIT PULL --> git fetch + git merge .

When we do git fetch all the changes from the repository will be downloaded into the remote directory/repository and then from remote local repository.