- Command & Query Responsibility Segregation:
- i.e Segregate query responsibility which is nothing but read operation and command responsibility which is write operation.
CQRS suggests us to segregate read and write operation to different microservices rather than mix up in a single service.
Why do I duplicate the service to just serve different responsibility ??
- For an example, we are using Flipkart/Amazon ecommerce application, so there will be many read /search requests than write / add to cart requests.
- We can't scale the application independently for read and write request.
- Writing Complex Queries.x
- Additional Security
Query /GET - Fetch Products
Command /POST - Create Products /PUT - Update Products /DELETE - Delete Products
- In order to sync both the micro-services to avoid data inconsistency we can use any messaging system like kafka, RabbitMQ or Redis PubSub